


  • Advances in Cybersecurity and Smart City Innovations for Threat Detection and Environmental Protection
    • Prof. Jacir Luiz Bordim (University of Brasília)
    • This presentation delves into recent advancements in two key cybersecurity research initiatives, focusing on threat detection and mitigation strategies for both volumetric and non-volumetric cyber-attacks. The first part addresses approaches for detecting and mitigating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, emphasizing techniques tailored for high-traffic, volumetric threats. It then examines detection strategies for non-volumetric attacks, which exploit low-traffic patterns but can still disrupt critical services. Additionally, the talk introduces SEMFOGO, a Smart Cities project aimed at early wildfire detection in Brazil’s Cerrado region. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Vision (CV), SEMFOGO helps identify wildfires quickly to aid in rapid response and minimize environmental damage. Together, these projects showcase how cybersecurity and Smart City technologies address both digital and environmental challenges, with a look at potential future developments in both fields.
  • 日時
    • 2024年12月2日(月)16:00-17:00
  • 場所(ハイブリッド開催)
  • 参加方法
    • こちらの参加登録フォームよりお申し込みください
    • 学内からの参加は基本的に登録不要です(オンライン参加でURLがわからない場合はご登録ください)
