


  • 「SCIP Optimization Suite の紹介」
    • 品野 勇治/Shinano Yuji (Zuse Institute Berlin)
    • Abstract
      • 本講演では,今回一緒に講演するZIBの研究者の仕事内容を理解するために必要となるSCIP Optimization Suiteを紹介するとともに,研究分野に関して日本語により紹介する.
  • The software development workflow – shown at the example of SCIP
    • Franziska Schlösser (Zuse Institute Berlin/FICO)
    • Abstract
      • Software development is not just writing code. Especially in a larger development team, it is important to maintain a clear organization. We will talk about source code management, testing and deployment strategies, as well as performance evaluation and quality control. Showing the above at a real example, we will give an insight about how these measures are implemented in the development workflow of the SCIP solver.
  • SCIP Optimization Suite: Cutting Plane Selection and Embedded ML Models
    • Mark Ruben Turner (Zuse Institute Berlin)
    • Abstract
      • In this talk we will be introducing the SCIP optimization suite, a popular open-source tool for formulating and solving mixed-integer programs. Following this introduction, depending on the time available, we will discuss recent advances in cutting plane selection algorithms for mixed-integer programming. Alternatively, we will discuss a growing field, where trained ML models are embedded as surrogate models in larger optimization processes. We will then show how SCIP can be used to both automatically formulate the embedded ML model into a mixed-integer program and then optimize the larger optimization process.
  • 日時
    • 2024年02月21日(水)10:00-12:00
  • 場所(ハイブリッド開催)
    • オンライン:Microsoft Teams会議
  • 参加方法
    • こちらの参加登録フォームよりお申し込みください
    • 学内からの参加は基本的に登録不要です(オンライン参加でURLがわからない場合はご登録ください)
